Ghosts and Goblins

phone conversation

phone conversation

phone conversation
Think about that a discussion by phone - when you are just sitting by and not taking any part in that discussion - is perhaps the solemnest interest of present day life. Recently I was composing a profound article on a heavenly philosophical subject while such a discussion was going on in the room. I see that one can generally compose best when someone is talking through a phone close by. All things considered, the thing started along these lines. An individual from our family unit came in and requested that I have our home placed into correspondence with Mr. Bagley's midtown. I have watched, in numerous urban areas, that the sex consistently recoil from calling up the focal office themselves. I don't have the foggiest idea why, however they do. So I contacted the ringer, and this discussion resulted: 

Focal OFFICE. (gruffy.) Hi! 

I. Is it the Focal Office? 

C. O. Obviously it is. What do you need? 

I. Will you switch me on to the Bagleys, if you don't mind 

C. O. Okay. Simply hold your ear to the phone. 

At that point I heard k-look, k-look, k'look- - klook-klook-klook-look-look! at that point a frightful "gritting" of teeth, lastly a channeling female voice: Y-e-s? (rising articulation.) Did you wish to address me? 

Without replying, I gave the phone to the candidate, and plunked down. At that point pursued that queerest of all the strange things in this world- - a discussion with just one finish of it. You hear questions asked; you don't hear the appropriate response. You hear solicitations given; you hear no way consequently. You have listening delays of dead quiet, trailed by evidently superfluous and ridiculous shouts of happy shock or distress or frighten. You can't make head or tail of the discussion, since you never hear whatever the individual at the opposite finish of the wire says. Indeed, I heard the accompanying noteworthy arrangement of perceptions, all from the one tongue, and all yelled - for you can't ever convince the sex to talk tenderly into a phone: 

Indeed? Why, how did that occur? 


What did you say? 


Gee golly, I don't think it was. 


No! God help us, I didn't imply that. That is to say, put it in while it is as yet bubbling - or just before it reaches boiling point. 




I turned it over with a backstitch on the selvage edge. 


Truly, I prefer as such, as well; yet I believe it's smarter to season it on with Valenciennes or bombazine, or something of that sort. It gives it such an air- - and draws in so much commotion. 


It's forty-ninth Deuteronomy, sixty-forward to ninety-seventh comprehensive. I think we should all to peruse it frequently. 


Maybe so; I by and large utilize a barrette. 


What did you say? (aside.) Youngsters, do hush up! 


Gracious! B level! Dear me, I thought you said it was the feline! 


Since when? 


Why, I never knew about it. 


You bewilder me! It appears to be totally inconceivable! 


Who did? 


Great ness thoughtful! 


Indeed, what is this world coming to? Is it accurate to say that it was directly in chapel? 


Also, was her mom there? 


Why, Mrs. Bagley, I ought to have passed on of mortification! What did they do? 

Long interruption. 

I can't be impeccably certain, in light of the fact that I haven't the notes by me; however I think it resembles the following: te-rolly-loll-loll, loll lolly-loll-loll, O tolly-loll-loll-lee-ly-li-I-do! And afterward rehash, you know. 


Indeed, I think it is sweet- - and extremely grave and amazing, in the event that you get the andantino and the pianissimo right. 


Goodness, gum-drops, gum-drops! In any case, I never enable them to eat striped treats. Also, obviously they can't, till they get their teeth, at any rate. 




Goodness, not at all - go right on. He's here composition - it doesn't trouble him. 


Great, I'll come on the off chance that I can. (aside.) Dear me, how it tires an individual's arm to hold this thing up so long! I wish she'd- - 


Goodness, not under any condition; I like to talk- - yet I'm apprehensive I'm keeping you from your issues. 




No, we never use margarine on them. 


Truly, that is an awesome way; yet all the cook-books state they are extremely unfortunate when they are out of season. What's more, he doesn't care for them, at any rate - particularly canned. 


Goodness, I believe that is unreasonably high for them; we have never paid more than fifty pennies a pack. 


Must you go? All things considered, great by. 


Indeed, I suspect as much. Great by. 


Four o'clock, at that point - I'll be prepared. Great by. 


Much thanks to you quite a lot. Great by. 


Gracious, not in any way!- - similarly as new - which? Goodness, I'm happy to hear you state that. Great by. 

(Hangs up the phone and says, "Goodness, it tires an individual's arm so!") 

A man conveys a solitary ruthless "Great by," and that is its finish. Not so with the delicate sex- - I state it in their commendation; they can't stand suddenness.
